Entries in session state (1)


Checking in with the family...

So I was moving a large chunk of javascript into an external file...upon reloading the page I kept seeing syntax errors in the htmldb_Get processes. (firebug, Firefox error console) What is causing this? I asked Scott and we eventually came to the following conclusion:

Original code in external file:

var get = new htmldb_Get( null, &APP_ID., 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=SET_SOMETHING', 0 );

Next, I was asked by Scott "Is javascript PL/SQL??"

thus the following modification needed for all external JS files calling htmldb_Get.

var get = new htmldb_Get( null, $v('pFlowId'), 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=SET_STORECODE', 0 );

One has to substitute &APP_ID. for $v('pFlowId') in all external JS files outside of the header tags. This will get rid of the syntax error.